How to Measure for a Floor Register? 3 Easy Steps

At first glance, figuring out the measurements of your floor registers can seem a bit confusing. Once you understand what you need to measure, there’s really nothing to it. 

Follow these three simple steps for how to measure for floor vent covers so they'll fit perfectly.

Key Takeaways: 

  • remove old cover
  • measure the opening in the floor
  • find a new cover with the right dimensions


1. Remove (and Save) Old Covers

If you’re remodeling, you’ll have old vent covers to reference, which can make the whole process a bit easier. Start by removing the old registers. Take note of the components that make up your current floor register situation—do you have mounting holes, louver, damper, etc.

If you’re working on new construction, you can skip directly to step number two.

 Floor vent with cover removed being measured for width.

2. Measure the Opening

Whether or not you have an old register to reference, always measure the duct opening rather than the vent cover to find the proper measurement. You can measure the inside (where the register goes into the duct) of the old register to double check your measurements. Get the width and length of the opening in the floor, wall, or ceiling. Round up to the nearest inch. 

These measurements correspond to the measurements of the new vent covers. If the measurement of the hole in the floor (wall or ceiling) is 10” x 4”, then you want to order a 10” x 4” register. Don’t get caught up worrying about the outside measurements. It is the opening that you need to be concerned about. 


Illustration showing how a vent cover fits into the vent hole.

3. Find Your Fit

Now that you’re armed with the right measurements, you can select the register pattern, color, and size you want with confidence. We have a wide selection of patterns, which we regularly add to. Choose from several distinguished colors. And, of course, pick out the right size.

If you don’t find the right size, make a custom order that matches the width and length of your duct opening for a great fit. 

Simply fill out our custom sizes order form, chat online with us, or give us a call to get registers for just about any size opening.


Measuring registers is easier than it seems. Grab a tape measure, ruler, or yardstick and get to ordering today! 

Not sure which style pattern is right for you? Fall in love with your perfect vent cover.


Find Your Perfect Register

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