Finding (and Falling In Love with) Your Perfect Vent Cover

Finding love can be difficult, but finding the right vent cover shouldn’t be. Everyone has a type; identify the right type and finding the perfect vent cover (and maybe even love) gets a lot easier. The only question is, what’s your type?

The Romantic

Romantics are creative, passionate people who appreciate thoughtfulness. On Valentine's Day a card isn’t likely to satisfy you. You crave something more; flowers and chocolates are a good start. But you also appreciate simple gestures of other sorts too. For you it’s all about how much thought and effort was put into something. Holding a door, ordering a favorite dinner, or planning a day trip might make your heart go pitter patter.

For the romantic the perfect vent cover has some thoughtful design, often with curving shapes and plenty of details. The Scroll pattern is just the thing. It’s a mix of curves, geometrics, and near floral design that you’ll find ideal. It comes in dozens of sizes and seven colors.


Scroll patterned vent cover.

The Sentimental

Like the romantic, a sentimental puts great value on thoughtfulness and consideration for feelings. You love reminiscing on the pleasantness of the past. Art, music, and literature and the finer things in life surround you. Your tender feelings often mean you cry at movies: happy, sad, or nostalgic.

Your type of vent cover hearkens back to another era, perhaps one of extravagance. Versailles pattern draws on European elegance and symmetrical perfection. It comes in dozens of sizes, eight colors, and two materials.


Versailles patterned vent cover.

The Grand Gesture

If you’re the grand gesture type, you count on not only thoughtful, but well planned and often extravagant gifts and events. On Valentine’s Day, you imagine diamonds, cruise tickets, or being serenaded at dinner. Simplicity is blase to you. You prefer tasteful, yet large details that make a statement.

You’d appreciate a vent cover that draws attention to itself in a design. A vent cover that aims to stand out, yet is tasteful and well composed. Easton features a careful design that is meant to be a feature in the room. The repeating octagonal and diamond pattern is sure to please your elevated sense of drama. Available in 32 sizes, eight colors, and two materials.



Herringbone patterned vent cover.

The Independent

If you’re the independent type, you don’t need anyone to tell you what you like. You are bold and make your own paths in life. On Valentine’s Day, you’re happy to spend the evening doing your own thing. You own whatever it is that floats your boat unabashedly.

The independent type will appreciate the freshness of herringbone. It’s just enough stylistically to make a statement without being stuffy. It too is happy to hold its own in any design but also plays well with the rest of the space. Available in 32 sizes, eight colors, and two materials.



Sanibel patterned vent cover.

The Committed

Committed lovers like you have found their perfect mate and settle into eternity happily. You know yourself well and your partner even better. But that’s not to say you are boring. You appreciate longevity with a healthy dose of flair. After all, if you’re going to be committed to something, you’ve done your research to make sure it’s a love that lasts.

Your perfect vent cover is sensible but playful. Interesting but not overly dramatic. It’s flexible so that it can blend with each renovation or design change seamlessly. In other words, it’s classic. That describes Sanibel to a T. Its scallop or fan pattern is a classic style that keeps giving over many decades. Available in 32 sizes, eight colors, and two materials.



Sunray patterned vent cover.

The Conversationalist

A conversationalist values time spent together plumbing the depths of varied topics. You not only love to talk, but to engage in an equal and stimulating conversation with your partner. It’s really about time spent focused directly on the personalities and intelligence of two people. You are often an explorer or adventurer at heart. You explore by thinking and conversing.

No plain designs will do for you. Your perfect vent cover requires intricacies that take a second (or third) look to comprehend. The intertwining shapes of the Sunray pattern make both circular and star shapes that keep this vent cover interesting but dignified. Available in dozens of sizes, eight colors, and two materials.



Linear patterned vent cover.

The Minimalist

As a minimalist, you like to keep things simple. You also appreciate exactness, after all, if it isn’t just right you probably don’t need it. On Valentine's Day you steer clear of the lace and oversized bears and wish for a perfect, single stem rose or a reservation at a chic Michelin-starred restaurant.

Your perfect vent cover is clean, simple, but also more than ordinary. The geometric lines and symmetry of Linear B suit you. The minimal design goes a step further than your everyday vent cover tastefully. It’s clear this vent cover demands the best without being overly fussy. Available in dozens of sizes, eight colors, and two materials.

Linear B


Elongated hexagon patterned vent cover.

The Practical

If you’re practical, you’re the master of multi-tasking. You think far beyond romance and require usefulness as well. That doesn’t mean you don’t like some romance on Valentine’s Day. It just means you’re wooed by something that you can use rather than just look at. You’re the type who adores getting waffle irons or new curtains as a romantic gift.

In fact, a vent cover is the perfect gift for you. And Duncan, is the perfect design for you. The elongated hexagon pattern adds some flair but remains a design that gets excellent air flow and doesn’t stray too far from traditional vent cover patterns. Available in 32 sizes, eight colors, and two materials.


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